“Made in Portugal” soy drink arrives in Spain and Hong Kong
With the entrance in Spain, a year after its arrival in the market, Shoyce reached its fifth international market – Spain, Hong Kong, Macau, China and Taiwan. However, the ambition of the brand’s international presence doesn’t end here and there are already negotiations going on so that the brand can reach countries like France, Angola and Nigeria, Turkey and Israel in the Middle East and the Northern countries in Scandinavia.
At the same time, the products of the brand produced in Vagos started being available at the biggest Home Convenience of Hong Kong – the Sun Hung Kai Properties Group.
João Vítor, business Director of Nutre Indústrias Alimentares, highlights the approach the brand has done to the markets considered as priority, either for their dimension or for their consuming potential referring to soy.
«The Asiatic market has around 90% of the soy’s world consumption. The interest in this market is founded in the soy-based food products mass consumption habits that were already installed and in the rate of individuals that are intolerant to lactose in that region – between 90 to 100% of the population», explained the responsible of the brand.
In Portugal, the distribution of the soy drinks Shoyce has grown and has already reached the big supermarket and hypermarket chains of the country, where it is for sale in more than 1000 points of sale.
Shoyce recently made available the first liquid soygurt in the market to meet the consumer’s demands for this offer.
In partnership with Nutri Ventures, it also launched a range of children products to make parents and children aware of the importance of healthy eating habits. The composition of Shoyce Junior range stands out for its high nutritional level – 5 vitamins, iron, iodine – and also for the low level of sugar, when compared to the usual offer.